
"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."" 1 PETER 5:7

New Release

Beyond Borders

This work seeks to urge church leaders and members of our churches
to understand that the Lord has saved us to serve him, to concern
himself with his needs which are love in God and neighbor on the one
hand and making the nations his disciples on the other hand through
evangelism and mission. 1
This book consists of three chapters apart from the introduction and the
conclusion, namely:
The first chapter relates to the internal mission of the CEPAC Filadelfia
Mukukwe in the provinces of Bandundu in Kikwit, in Ndungu / Soa and
in the city of Kinshasa, commune of Kimbaseke, in Bikuku in DR
The second chapter deals with the vision of the world evangelization
that the Lord has revealed to us since 2018 to go beyond the borders of
DR Congo and Africa finally, the third chapter concerns the external
mission of CEPAC Filadelfia Mukukwe in Douala Bomono Bekuma and
in Buea / Cameroon.